The Benefits of Early Vaccination and Staying on Schedule

In the distant past, children were often plagued by viruses and diseases that could not be cured or prevented. Today, we have vaccinations that protect them from those same diseases and conditions. Learn the benefits of early immunization and why staying on schedule with childhood vaccinations is essential when seeing Dr. David Yip at Angel Pediatrics in Anthem, AZ.

Why Are Vaccinations Important?

Vaccinations are shots that teach your immune system how to respond effectively to threats from the outer environment. They train the immune system to target viruses, bacteria, and germs that can cause illnesses. Vaccinations are important because they not only prevent serious illnesses in children but also protect their peers, family members, and the wider community from infections and diseases.

Benefits of Early Vaccination

Doctors encourage early vaccination to ensure that your child can begin developing a robust immune system from a young age, as early as the first week after birth. Standard childhood vaccinations your Anthem, AZ, doctor will likely administer during the first year include:

  • Hepatitis B at birth.
  • Rotavirus, Hep B (second dose), polio, and Pneumococcal vaccines at two months.
  • Covid-19 and flu vaccines at six months.
  • Chickenpox, MMR, and Hepatitis A after the child’s first birthday.

Tips for Staying on Schedule with Child Vaccinations

Regular well-child visits with your pediatrician will help you stay on track with vaccinations. At your next appointment, ask your doctor for a chart showing the vaccination schedule so you can post it in a conspicuous place. Also, program these milestone dates for vaccinations in your online calendar with regular reminders for future dates to set appointments.

Is It Time for Your Child’s Next Vaccination?

The earlier, the better when it comes to getting your child vaccinated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides a detailed schedule. You can also schedule an upcoming visit to discuss future childhood vaccination dates with Dr. David Yip at Angel Pediatrics in Anthem, AZ. Please contact the office today by calling (623) 551-0442.

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