Navigating Fever in Children: When To Worry and When To Wait

If you’re concerned about your child’s fever in Anthem, AZ, visit Dr. David Yip and the team at Angel Pediatrics for a sick visit.

Understanding Fevers in Children and Knowing When to Seek Care

Fevers can be scary, but they are a good sign. When an illness tries to invade the body, the immune system fights it. A fever is a sign that this process is taking place.

However, there are times when fevers get a bit too high or when accompanying symptoms require a sick visit. Below, Dr. Yip and the team at Angel Pediatrics in Anthem, AZ, share some guidelines to help you determine whether to wait or seek care.

When to Wait

Before beginning, it’s important to note that these are general guidelines. If you ever feel uncertain, there is no reason not to call your pediatrician to ask for guidance. They, or a member of their staff, can gather information about your child’s symptoms and fever to give you a clearer idea of what to do.

Generally, however, you can “wait out” a fever and let it do its job if:

  • It is at or below 100.4 degrees for children two months or younger.
  • It’s below 105 degrees for children older than two months.
  • Your child doesn’t seem too uncomfortable and can hold down liquids.

When to Seek Care

If any of the following are true, it’s time to call your pediatrician.

  • The fever has lasted for at least four days.
  • It has risen above 100.4 for babies two months old or younger.
  • It has risen above 105 for children and teens above two months old.
  • The child is less than a year old, and the temperature has been at least 102 degrees for over two days.
  • Your child is short of breath or dehydrated.
  • They are extremely weak or in severe pain anywhere in the body.
  • Their neck is stiff, or they have a terrible headache.
  • You notice a purple or red rash.
  • They can’t hold down liquid or show any other concerning symptoms.

If you have concerns about your child’s symptoms or temperature, call (623) 551-0442 to schedule a sick visit with Dr. Yip and the team at Angel Pediatrics in Anthem, AZ.

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